Jun 24, 2013

Manicure Monday: For The Love Of Carnations!

The start of a new week.... but that's okay because it's Manicure Monday!
I use to do MM's a while ago and the motivation of doing it just wasn't enough anymore, but now I'm back to doing it.

I am never shy when it comes to my nails, so any colors or designs I'm up to try. This week I decided to keep my nails pretty simple, but I added a pop of color. I wear a lot of blacks and whites, so I always leave it to my nails to really finish off my look... it's the final touch and that pop of color really is a attention getter.

The pink I'm wearing this week is by O.P.I and it is called Suzi's Hungary Again!. I bought this nail polish in the Euro Centrale collection, which comes with many other beautiful colors that I also bought.

 I love this pink because it reminds me of pink carnations, and lately I have been inspiring a lot of my looks from flowers.

Who doesn't love flowers?
Yasmine xx

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  1. love that color! I am rocking some mint polish right now :)

    love from San Francisco,

    1. Lately I've had an obsession with mint polish.. and I still do! It's literally a perfect color for any wardrobe :)
      lovely greets,
      Yasmine xx

  2. Such a pretty nail color! Thanks for sharing.

