Nov 26, 2013

Pop Art Comic Book Makeup

Pop Art... It is one of those thing in the art world I worship and adore. 
I love the aesthetics of comic designs and so in my spare time (I was really bored) I summoned all of my makeup and created a comic face.

You have to do stuff average people don't understand because those are the only good things.
-Andy Warhol

Nov 24, 2013

Weekly Reading (Nov. 18-24th)

       Fall is starting to say its final goodbyes and winter is approaching quite fast. Fingers crossed that winter brings along great memories and happy holidays! This week had been horribly rainy and dull, so I cuddled up at home with alot of blankets and many good reads and I thought I would share them with you.

     I was so happy to see one of my favorite actresses, Jessica Chastain, on VOGUE this week, and I immediately bought the December issue, which took the last $5 in my wallet till next pay... definitely a Carrie Bradshaw moment. If you want a sneak peak of the photos, which were taken by none other than Annie Leibovitz, and a glimpse into the her interview check it out HERE.

    I always love reading The Free People Clothing Boutique Blog and always finding myself reading their weekly Horoscopes (Week of Nov. 25-31)

 Whenever I am looking for outfit inspiration I always resort to Carolines Mode which shows Stockholm's Street Style, and my favorite outfit of this week had to be Juliette's. I am currently into the all black attire.

This winter's fashion, I believe, Dior has got it going on. So when I seen the Miss Dior post on Paris in Four Months blog, I couldn't wait to see beautiful photographs from the Dior Exhibit in Paris.

So that about wraps up some of the reading I did this weekend, can't wait to see what I come across next week!

Nov 22, 2013

Spirit Leaves Body

Heeellllooooo! do you guys remember me? Yeah I'm Yasmine the creator of the Yasmine Brooke blog.... ah yes! you remember me! nah nah I understand don't worry I understand I have abandoned you guys for... wait hold on let me just check my watch... GASP! A WHOLE SEMESTER OF MY FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE! Gosh guys I didn't think I left for that long. I am sorry.. I didn't disown you.. I'm back!

Now that I have got that apology out of the way, I have tons of projects that I have worked on that I am so excited to share with you! A few weeks ago I worked with a few of my friends to create a narrative for a photography project and was really inspired by Duane Michals work "Spirit Leaves Body". It was so fun working on more conceptual and very creative projects and this was only the beginning of what me and my friends have done... Enjoy!

(ppsssttt! you should follow me on Blogger!)